Setup public key ssh login and troubleshooting
Short note on how to setup ssh to login without a password
Generate and copy key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Copy key
ssh username@remotehost mkdir -p .ssh
cat .ssh/ | ssh username@remotehost 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
Try logging in!
If that doesn’t work
Some host need proper permission and a second authorized_keys2
At the remote host
chmod 700 .ssh cd .ssh cp authorized_keys authorized_keys2 chmod 600 authorized_keys chmod 600 authorized_keys2
SSH may settings may need to be modified
At the remote host
cd /etc/ssh sudo vi sshd_config
Find the AuthorizedKeysFile line and uncomment it (or add it if it doesn’t exist)
AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
Save file, restart sshd with
sudo service sshd restart
Further troubleshooting
Start a second instance of sshd on the remote machine, dump all output to console so you can diagnose
/usr/sbin/sshd -d -p 2222
On your machine, do
ssh -p 2222
Look for Authentication refused:
in the logs, it should contains the reason your connection fails