
Self-note: Resume / recover a MongoDB change stream


  • Sometimes replicator needs to be restarted
  • We cannot afford to lose one or two entries in time-series since it would throw the statistics off, and in exceptional cases, lost the max and min value

Resume & recover 

Change streams are resumable by specifying a resumeAfter token when opening the cursor. For the resumeAfter token, use the _id value of the change stream event document. Passing the _id value to the change stream attempts to resume notifications starting after the specified operation.


In the example below, resumeToken contains the change stream notification id. The resumeAfter takes a parameter that must resolve to a resume token. Passing the resumeToken to the resumeAfter modifier directs the change stream to attempt to resume notifications starting after the operation specified.


If the featureCompatibilityVersion (fcv) is set to "4.0" or greater, newly opened change streams return a hex-encoded string for the resume token data, i.e. the _id._data value. This change allows for the ability to compare and sort the resume tokens. If the fcv is 3.6, newly opened change streams return a BinData for the resume token data.


The fcv value at the time of the cursor’s opening determine the resume token data type. That is, the modification of the fcv does not affect the resume tokens for change streams already opened before the fcv change.

Regardless of the fcv value, a 4.0 replica set or a sharded cluster can resume a change stream using either the BinData or string resume token.

As such, a 4.0 deployment can use a resume token from a change stream opened on a collection from a 3.6 deployment.


Structure of a Mongo change event

   _id : { <BSON Object> },
   "operationType" : "<operation>",
   "fullDocument" : { <document> },
   "ns" : {
      "db" : "<database>",
      "coll" : "<collection"
   "documentKey" : { "_id" : <ObjectId> },
   "updateDescription" : {
      "updatedFields" : { <document> },
      "removedFields" : [ "<field>", ... ]
   "clusterTime" : <Timestamp>,
   "txnNumber" : <NumberLong>,
   "lsid" : {
      "id" : <UUID>,
      "uid" : <BinData>

Pay attention to _id

Metadata related to the operation.

Use this document as a resumeToken for the resumeAfter parameter when resuming a change stream.

If the featureCompatibilityVersion (fcv) is set to "4.0" or greater, newly opened change streams return a hex-encoded string for the resume token data, i.e. the _id._data value. This change allows for the ability to compare and sort the resume tokens. If the fcv is 3.6, newly opened change streams return a BinData for the resume token data.


The fcv value at the time of the cursor’s opening determine the resume token data type. That is, the modification of the fcv does not affect the resume tokens for change streams already opened before the fcv change.

Regardless of the fcv value, a 4.0 replica set or a sharded cluster can resume a change stream using either the BinData or string resume token.

This field is BSON so it

  • Can’t be saved with JSON.stringify
  • Can’t be cast to ObjectID (wrong format, different than MongoDB documentation )

Solution: Include bson

const BSON = require(‘bson’);

function saveId(cb) {
if (lastId) {
let lastIdBuffer = bson.serialize(lastId);
fs.writeFile(ID_FILE, lastIdBuffer, (err) => {
if (err) {
logger.error(‘[saveId]’, err);
return cb && cb(err);

function loadId(cb) {
fs.readFile(ID_FILE, (err, data) => {
let buffer;
if (!err && data) {
buffer = bson.deserialize(data);
return cb && cb(err, buffer);

  • Every one second, write the latest _id to disk
  • Reload the _id object from disk on startup
  • Use it to resume the change stream with

const pipeline = [
$match: { ‘ns.db’: config.MONGO_DB_NAME },

let changeStreamOptions = {};

changeStreamOptions[‘resumeAfter’] = resumeToken;

const changeStream = db.watch(pipeline, changeStreamOptions);
changeStream.on(‘change’, (change) => {



db.watch(pipeline, options)

New in version 4.0: Requires featureCompatibilityVersion (fCV) set to "4.0" or greater. For more information on fCV, see setFeatureCompatibilityVersion.

Opens a change stream cursor for a database to report on all its non-system collections.

A sequence of one or more of the following aggregation stages:

See Aggregation for complete documentation on the aggregation framework.

Optional. Additional options that modify the behavior of db.watch().

You must pass an empty array [] to the pipeline parameter if you are not specifying a pipeline but are passing the options document.

The options document can contain the following fields and values:

Optional. Directs db.watch() to attempt resuming notifications starting after the operation specified in the resume token.

Each change stream event document includes a resume token as the _idfield. Pass the entire _id field of the change event document that represents the operation you want to resume after.

resumeAfter is mutually exclusive with startAtOperationTime.

Optional. By default, db.watch() returns the delta of those fields modified by an update operation, instead of the entire updated document.

Set fullDocument to "updateLookup" to direct db.watch() to look up the most current majority-committed version of the updated document. db.watch() returns a fullDocument field with the document lookup in addition to the updateDescription delta.

Optional. Specifies the maximum number of change events to return in each batch of the response from the MongoDB cluster.

Has the same functionality as cursor.batchSize().

Optional. The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the server waits for new data changes to report to the change stream cursor before returning an empty batch.

Defaults to 1000 milliseconds.

Optional. The starting point for the change stream. If the specified starting point is in the past, it must be in the time range of the oplog. To check the time range of the oplog, see rs.printReplicationInfo().

startAtOperationTime is mutually exclusive with resumeAfter.


db.collection.watch() and Mongo.watch()

To generate a new ObjectId, use ObjectId() with no argument:


In this example, the value of x would be:


To generate a new ObjectId using ObjectId() with a unique hexadecimal string:


In this example, the value of y would be:


Access the str attribute of an ObjectId() object, as follows:


This operation will return the following hexadecimal string:


Create a new ObjectID instance

class ObjectID()Arguments:id (string) – Can be a 24 byte hex string, 12 byte binary string or a Number.Returns:object instance of ObjectID.

Return the ObjectID id as a 24 byte hex string representation

toHexString()Returns:string return the 24 byte hex string representation.


Generate a 24 character hex string representation of the ObjectID

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