Run Flutter app on iOS 2021 edition
You need an apple developer account and XCode
Open the Flutter app in XCode
Prepare XCode
Connect your phone to the computer. On the top left part, click Runner >
and select your phone. If you don’t see your device you’ll need to troubleshoot, don’t select “Any iOS device”
Go to XCode / Preferences / Account tab, press the plus button, select Apple ID and login to your Developer account. You’ll be prompted for keychain access, allow all. After you are done, make sure a team is available. Some tutorials made you do this step by manually creating a CSR key on your computer and upload it to Apple, following the wizard in XCode is much easier
Next, select runner on the left pane, and select signing & capabilities, make sure automatically manage signing is selected
Remotely debug your app
- In XCode, select Windows / Device and simulators
- Click on your phone, check the connect via network button
Wait until there’s a globe next to your phone’s name. That’s it, you can now disconnect your phone from the computer and deploy your app remotely to your phone by clicking the Run button