TIL about twine
A simple, interactive storytelling tool It’s useful for creating interactive flow chart too. For example, a guide to follow when you feel like shit
A simple, interactive storytelling tool It’s useful for creating interactive flow chart too. For example, a guide to follow when you feel like shit
Các kỹ sư phần mềm có thể được xem như các anh nông dân 4.0: hiền lành, chất phác, không sỡ hữu công cụ sản xuất, chỉ muốn được yên thân ngồi một góc để làm việc. Oái oăm thay,…
Đạo đức (và luật pháp) trong phát triển phần mềm thường ít khi được đề cập tới trong các chương trình giảng dạy, tuy nhiên với vai trò càng ngày càng lớn của CNTT trong cuộc sống thì khó mà…
When I tried to connect my HP laptop to a Samsung TV via HDMI, I expected sound to work out of the box, but unfortunately this is not the case. After making sure that my laptop output sound to the…
You have two choice: subversive (Belongs to the Eclipse project) or subclipse (hosted on tigris.org). Even though Subversive is the more ‘official’ option, I find it prohibitively confusing to install. You have to go to an external site (polarion) and…
Spending most of my life in a cash-only economy and only got touch to the modern word of banking for the last few years opened my eyes on a range of problems. I once thought banks was a great idea,…
Just finished the morning session of the international conference on information technology for education 2010. Generally speaking, I’m disappointed at the organization skills and the content of the conference. They started an hour late (9am instead of 8) and even…
There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn…
A recent post on the computer science blog about distributed database management systems fired up the curiosity in me on distributed computing again. Even though I have attended the parallel computing course while I was still a student, I have…
“Which programming language is the best?” It’s the kind of question that you will keep getting from aspiring programmers (maybe with some minor variations but it’s essentially the same problem). It’s a difficult question to answer. Although as old as…