And that’s it! over 3 months since I ever had a thought about blogging! Maybe I wouldn’t make a come back this soon if Matt over there didn’t wrote that scary post about the recent WordPress worm. I’m invulnerable to…
Tumblelog is a term coined in 2005[1] to denote blogs which favor short posts, most of the time sharing only a single item. I encountered the first such blog on 2007[2] but it didn’t really impressed me. Not until last…
Don’t know when I started… Somewhere during the last week. I looked at Firefox’s featured add-ons list while updating my plugins (yes, I manually update them for compatibility’s sake), I noticed Brief and ScribeFire (with nice logos :P), they are…
Word 2007… Interesting piece of software, even enough to provoke a full-scale debate on ISO’s decision to have two standards at a time (isn’t standards are intended to unite people in the first place? :))) but that’s not in the…
Actually, that should be NewBlog.Start() since this is not my first blog, and definitely not the second nor the third blog :P. This blog was created last week, in the middle of hurried… Ahh… It’s been better since then… And…