Facebook is now using MQTT

Recently I discovered Facebook is now using MQTT, the IoT protocol in its Messenger and Instagram app in an effort to lower battery usage. From IBM (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/mobileblog/entry/why_facebook_is_using_mqtt_on_mobile?lang=en) Why Facebook is using MQTT on mobile We can all relate to the concept…


ssh-add tricks

  From spike (https://stuff-things.net/2016/02/11/stupid-ssh-add-tricks/) Listing You can list the currently loaded keys with -l and -L. The former displays the keys’ fingerprints while the latter displays the entire public key. Both list the path of file the key came from, which it the…


Javascript idioms

From Zoltan Kochan, author of pnpm   Double exclamation Prefixing anything with !! converts it to a boolean. var foo = 0 console.log(!!foo) //> false Essentially it is a shorter way to write Boolean(foo). Converting arguments to array The arguments object can be used to…


There’s a little known REST API built into RabbitMQ, accessible via the management plugin. Its methods are as follows: GET PUT DELETE POST Path Description X /api/overview Various random bits of information that describe the whole system. X X /api/cluster-name…