Bouncy castle, in turn requires a highly randomized source from the OS. But Amazon EC2 are virtual environment and thus have very little randomness
As a result, these libraries will hang for a long time, and may never complete
Solution: simply call the os’ natively installed ssh executable. It seems this has been modified to accomodate the environment and work much faster. This also reduced dependency on external libraries (don’t have to download jsch or sshj from maven)
Downside: while Jetmeter is written in java, dependency on ssh and scp means it can only run on MacOS or Linux
If you use JMeter plugins, you need to include those plugins as libraries, increasing the size of the build a lot
You’ll still need to include the JMeter binary and extension directory (yes, you need both build time and run time access)
This is due to historical reasons. JMeter has been developed a long time ago and they couldn’t break old conventions.
Including JMeter in our application will affect
Security. Any JMeter vulnerability will affect our application too
JMeter has a tendency to hang. Once we hand over control to the JMeter library it’s hard to take back, the only way is to fork a new process.
When we go with process forking, it’s hard to monitor the progress of JMeter (you need to constantly check for result files as JMeter provide no internal method for this)
JMeter was built to be mainly run from the command line. To do even basic operation like launching remote controller would require convoluted object instantiation and reflection to access JMeter’s internal types
Solution: Since we need to include JMeter library anyway, just call it as an external application and wait for it to finish
When running Caliper via a remote session, caliper sometimes end the session during test (after around 5 seconds), but still running on the remote host
Can’t depend on caliper output
Can’t depend on the time caliper exit thread for control flow
Need to periodically pool caliper report file on remote host